The Dynamic of a ‘Lonely’ Color

Color has a remarkable way of attracting the senses- artists and designers know this all too well. From the minute detail in a canvas landscape to the vast expanse of an interior wall in a house or a piece of patchwork fabric in a one-of-a-kind jacket, we use color to express, define, illuminate, outline, and engage.

Some hues beckon more than others. While some colors are instilled in the everyday design palette, others hover outside, plucked into use when called for on a whim or need. One such color is Sherwin Williams’ Kingdom Gold (SW6698). In a recent ad launch, the company announced it as “The Loneliest Color” to raise its profile. This dynamic yellow hue has been in the paint company’s colorful arsenal for fourteen years but is its least tinted color.

With this campaign, Sherwin Williams hopes to change this perspective. Along with design tools that can help you visualize this vibrant hue in your home, the company has also launched wearable art in the hue in collaboration with Dapper Dan. They want to ensure that Kingdom Gold is lonely no longer.

What does this vibrant hue say to you? Color can evoke memories, emotions, and so much more. Here at Dynasty Brush, this same hue is iconic to our Dynasty 1350 Series- a very popular intermediary brush collection for acrylics and oils. The handles of these brushes are a vibrant yellow that rings similar to Kingdom Gold and is often recognized by art educators by sight at our shows.

Share with us in the comments, if you could enlist our Dynasty 1350 Series and a gallon of Kingdom Gold, what would you paint, decorate, or create? How could this hue become favored instead of lonely?
