Gearing Up for Creativation 2024: Dynasty Brand Specialist Jill Fitzhenry on The Artist’s Journey Sneaker Design

For this year’s Creativation by NAMTA, we’re going on The Artist’s Journey with a collection of custom-painted sneakers to spotlight our wide selection of artist brushes. Several of our Dynasty Brand Specialists have been asked to create custom sneakers for this year’s event that will be on display at our booth #842!

In this spotlight, we’re speaking with Dynasty Brand Specialist Jill Fitzhenry about her two sneaker designs. 

We love the two pairs of sneakers you created for this year’s Creativation by NAMTA booth! Please tell us your inspiration behind each design!

I designed the "Mermaid Wishes" shoes after vacationing near the ocean and collecting sea shells. I love the water- it's my happy place!

I designed the "Unicorn Magic" shoes because my granddaughter loves this mystical creature. She once told me to look for unicorns when I fly on an airplane.

Which Dynasty Brush lines were implemented in the creation of each design?

I used the Dynasty Black Silver brushes to paint both of them and only needed 3 brushes:  Round size 0, Filbert size 6, and Shader size 6.

Why did you choose these color palettes for these sneakers and what type of paint did you use for each creation?

Both shoes were painted with DecoArt Stylin Paint. Bright colors make you happy and they seem to pop on the dark blue background. Like sunshine on your toes!

If you could dress someone in these sneakers, who would that person be and where would they wear them? 

The Mermaid Wishes shoes would be perfect for all ages- perfect for summertime walks and beach parties. The Unicorn Magic shoes would be ideal for young children who still believe in magic. Great for any time of the year!
