Two exceptional and internationally renowned painters to learn from:
Representational artist, Susan Lyon will be teaching a 4-day "Painting the Portrait in Oil" class in Cape Cod at the Creative Arts Center in Chatham, MA this coming September 15-18. With emphasis on an accurate drawing, Susan will demo each day drawing and blocking in color with her brush techniques. Each day a new color will be introduced and explored to create a likeness on the model and color harmonies.
Jerry Yarnell has numerous workshops this year in Skiatook, Oklahoma at his home studio and in other areas around the country. Each month is booked with workshops on landscapes, animal portraiture or aspects of architecture. Take a look at his website for dates, times and descriptions as well as registration. Jerry also has full online classes through his website and private lessons.
Keep Painting,
For more brush information, check out the Dynasty Brush website.
Representational artist, Susan Lyon will be teaching a 4-day "Painting the Portrait in Oil" class in Cape Cod at the Creative Arts Center in Chatham, MA this coming September 15-18. With emphasis on an accurate drawing, Susan will demo each day drawing and blocking in color with her brush techniques. Each day a new color will be introduced and explored to create a likeness on the model and color harmonies.

Keep Painting,
For more brush information, check out the Dynasty Brush website.
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