Paint Brush Canisters

Recently we had a question sent to us from an art teacher, purchasing brushes for her classroom.  She was looking for the right brushes to purchase in bulk for specific types of media.  Since not all brushes are created equal, not even in bulk, I thought this an opportune time to share the differences in our brush canisters.

We don't have all of our brushes available in canister, or bulk, but quite a few and many different shapes and sizes, both long and short handle.  I have listed the brush types available with their shapes, hair type, and the preferred medium.  

Please note that there are many types of canisters from Dynasty available, below is just the basic list of hair types.

Brushes in canisters can be purchased from many of our dealers online and by catalogue:  Utrecht, Nasco, School Specialty, United Art and Education, Alvin and Dick Blick to name a few.

BrushShapesHair Media
Eye of the Tigerflats, rounds, oval, liner, fan, angle, synthetic hair All media
Mastadon flats, round, filbert, angle, liner, fan synthetic blend All media
Gold Synthetic &
Blue Squirrel quills
large rounds synthetic hair & 
blue squirrel
acrylic, pottery
Faux Sablerounds from 0-10 natural hair watercolor, acrylic, oil
Silver synthetic flat shaders and small rounds synthetic hair oil and acrylic
Red Sablerounds and flats red sable watercolor, acrylic, 
gouache and oil
Finest White Synthetic rounds and flats synthetic hair oil and acrylic
Interlocked White Bristle rounds, brights, flats, filberts white bristle oil and acrylic
Fine Gold Nylon flat, bright, round synthetic hair  oil and acrylic
Camel Hair rounds and flats horse hair watercolor, gouache
Black Bristle large flats black bristle acrylic, latex, tempera
Golden Synthetic flat shader, detail round synthetic hair oil and acrylic
Design Assortment large fans, oval mops white goat, 
grey bristle
acrylic, latex, tempera
Glaze Assortment fans and glaze white bristle,
black goat
acrylic, latex, tempera
Emerald Design WC angle, round, liner synthetic hair  watercolor, acrylic, gouache
Ruby Student WC round, flat, angle, oval synthetic hair  watercolor, acrylic, gouache
Sapphire Student WC flat or round synthetic hair  watercolor, acrylic, gouache
Kid Dynasty assorted black & white bristle acrylic, latex, tempera

Keep Painting, 

For more brush information, check out the Dynasty Brush website.
