Paint Brush Highlights: Black Gold Hat Trick

There are several brush shapes that Dynasty holds the patent for, including the versatile wave brush.  Most of these shapes lie within the Black Gold line, our premier brushes created with a synthetic tuft.  The Hat Trick shape grew out of the wave, having three points in each brush.  Within the Hat Trick shape, there are three versions:  three equally level points, one with the middle point lower than the outer two, and one with the middle point higher than the outer two.  The brush was named to pay homage to the hockey enthusiasts' of Canada: when a player scores three goals in a one game, it's referred to as a Hat Trick.  

These brushes make it easy to load multiple colors, or to create texture and movement in a painting.   They would also be ideal for pointillism artists, working in either fluid acrylics, gouache or ink.  With the Black Gold line, any of the shapes work great removing color in watercolor work as they are full of spring and hold their shape incredibly well.  Can you imagine the water reflections that could be created with this brush?  

Take a look at the work of Irena Mehldau from her Facebook Page.  She was sampling the Hat Trick line to create these florals.  Irena is a wonderful instructor of One Stroke and often features Dynasty Brushes in her videos and on her Facebook Page, not to mention selling them in Germany.  Thank you Irena for all of your Dynasty support!

Keep Painting, 

For more brush information, check out the Dynasty Brush website.


  1. Where, on line, can these brushes be purchased?

  2. Hi Karyn
    I rec'd my brushes today and I was surprised and thrilled as well as excited to give them a try..... Same as of the line quality which is what FM Brushes are all about, not to speak of balance, performance and one of my biggest delights is the size of the is perfect which makes everything just "come together" . No fingers cramping or wrist tiredness.... Hats off to the design team once again.
    Diana Putnam

  3. These look like fun!!!! Dynasty Brushes have always been my favorites. I recently had a studio fire and lost everything. I am slowly building up my inventory again.


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