Artist Spotlight: Nilda Rodriguez

"The Rose"
Nilda Rosa Rodriguez has always been interested in painting and drawing, making her family sit for portraits when she was young.  Her favorite gift as a child was a new box of crayons.  When her family was stationed in Columbus, Georgia, a friend invited Nilda to a Tole painting class and she never looked back.

Since then, Nilda has tried her hand at oils and colored pencil, as well as continuing to work in acrylics.  She also teaches her own workshops in her home studio and online in addition to traveling with and teaching for the Society of Decorative Painters.  Nilda makes painting attainable for anyone, as you can see in this sample video of her work below.  In her classes, Nilda instructs students on the challenges of painting glass, fabric, metal and florals.  She uses a range of detail brushes, including the Dynasty Black Gold line, in particular the chisel blender seen below.  

To see more of Nilda's own work and check out her workshop schedule, log on to her website:

Keep Painting,

For more brush information, check out the Dynasty Brush website.
